The New CDC Rules: Medical Surveillance? ‘Guns and Butter’ Radio Interview w/ Atty. Greg Glaser

The New CDC Rules: Medical Surveillance?

Attorney Greg Glaser
Attorney Greg Glaser

Guest: Greg Glaser

The Center for Disease Control’s proposed new rules, when implemented, will constitute an expansion of federal powers under the Federal Public Health Service Act; the Commerce Clause of the US Constitution; The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act, elements of which have been adopted by many states; National Health Freedom Action; the ACLU; the Pandemic Response Project; the World Health Organization; hospital public/private partnerships; the US Emergency Preparedness Policy that involves the Strategic National Stockpile; human micro-chipping; Dr. Richard Pan sponsoring The Children’s Bill of Rights in California; the primary battleground over health freedom is in the legislatures.
[For more information about Attorney Glaser, see: ]

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