Uncovering the Cover-Up: Scientific Analysis of the Vaccine-Autism Connection, Deeply Flawed US Vaccine Policies.

Original here: http://www.globalresearch.ca/uncovering-the-cover-up-scientific-analysis-of-the-vaccine-autism-connection-deeply-flawed-vaccine-policies/5491987

By Dr. Gary Null


Each year, tens of millions of American children are vaccinated according to the vaccination schedule set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The current CDC schedule recommends over 25 vaccines by the time a child reaches two years of age. (1) The majority of the parents of these children follow the advice of their physicians and the CDC, which state that vaccines are both safe and effective and that, in order to protect hundreds of millions of individuals against disease, we must follow their recommendations.

Our medical authorities assure us that they would never allow our children to be exposed to something unproven or known to be dangerous. They claim that vaccines, even when multiple injections are given on a single day, are safe and do “not cause any chronic health problems.” (2) Further, they claim that the ingredients contained in vaccines are either harmless or found in such miniscule quantities that they pose no health risks. The medical establishment also states unequivocally that there is no connection between vaccination and the rising incidence of autism spectrum disorder. Anyone who questions the safety of vaccination is immediately labeled as irresponsible or a quack who subscribes to pseudoscience.

Given that vaccines are mandatory for most children in public schools, it makes sense that they should be scientifically proven to be safe. However, in a careful analysis of thousands of articles in the peer-reviewed literature on toxicology and immunology, nowhere can we find evidence for these claims on vaccine safety are based upon a gold standard of clinical research: long-term, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies.

What is glaringly absent is research examining the cumulative toxicological impact of the CDC vaccine schedule over a long period of time. Never has a concise epidemiological study been published that compares the long-term health outcomes of a group of infants and children given the recommended CDC immunization schedule and a cohort of unvaccinated children. Since such research has never been carried out, our medical officials are relying on inconclusive research that is not science-based in order to create public health policy. American parents, meanwhile, are conditioned by our medical officials to bring their children in for regular vaccinations, confusing pure propaganda with scientific proof.

Continue here: http://www.globalresearch.ca/uncovering-the-cover-up-scientific-analysis-of-the-vaccine-autism-connection-deeply-flawed-vaccine-policies/5491987

Medical Freedom: What Rights Are You Willing to Lose?


Original here: http://fearlessparent.org/medical-freedom-what-rights-are-you-willing-to-lose/

by Louise Kuo Habakus, Author of Vaccine Epidemic
Founding Director, FearlessParent.org and Center for Personal Rights

Whether you want all, some, or no vaccines, you must ask if you believe in medical freedom.

Do you want to live in a world where you cannot freely refuse a medical procedure that carries risk of injury or death?

I’m not questioning your comfort level with today’s vaccine schedule, because today’s vaccine schedule will change. New vaccines and additional doses are added all the time.

Are you certain you will be 100% comfortable with the vaccines that will be mandated in 5, 10, 25 years?

No critical thinker, no honest person would ever sign off on the sight-unseen vaccine schedule of the future. And yet that’s what you’re doing when you condemn the people who are fighting for your right to refuse. Today, you have the right to refuse, should you ever choose to use it, because the very “anti-vaccine” people you demonize have been fighting for us all.

Continue reading here: http://fearlessparent.org/medical-freedom-what-rights-are-you-willing-to-lose/

Formaldehyde: A Poison and Carcinogen [In Vaccines!]

by Kate Raines, ORIGINAL HERE: http://www.thevaccinereaction.org/2015/11/formaldehyde-a-poison-and-carcinogen/

formaldehydeWarning of the dangers of formaldehyde in the workplace, the government’s own Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) says, “health hazards of formaldehyde are primarily due to its toxic effects after inhalation, after direct contact with the skin or eyes by formaldehyde in liquid or vapor form, and after ingestion” adding that “Ingestion of as little as 30 ml of a 37% solution of formaldehyde (formalin) can result in death” and “Diverse damage to other organ systems including the liver, kidney, spleen, pancreas, brain, and central nervous systems can occur from the acute response to ingestion of formaldehyde.”1

Yet, they don’t even mention the effects of exposure by injection, as when formaldehyde is pumped into a newborn baby as part of the HepB vaccine, currently given right after birth, or along with a host of other vaccine ingredients injected over the next few months of the infant’s life (click CDC Vaccine Expedient List to see how frequently formaldehyde shows up as a vaccine ingredient).2

CONTINUE HERE: http://www.thevaccinereaction.org/2015/11/formaldehyde-a-poison-and-carcinogen/

How Good is a Flu Shot? Likely 1-3% chance it will prevent you from getting influenza this year/Lown Institute Blog

Original here:

The best way to assess flu trials is to look at those that compared vaccinated people with unvaccinated people.

When Jefferson and his colleagues published their March 2014 review they found that under ideal conditions (when the vaccine matches the main viruses circulating that season) you need to vaccinate 33 healthy adults to avoid one set of influenza symptoms. This is what we’d call a NNV (Numbers needed to Vaccinate) of 33. When the vaccine match isn’t so good as it was last year, the NNV is about 100. That is, of 100 people vaccinated, 99 will have no benefit and one person will avoid one set of influenza symptoms. Vaccination did not seem to affect the number of people hospitalised or who lost working days.

Almost half (15 of the 36 trials they examined) were funded by vaccine companies and four had no funding declaration. His team cautioned that even these numbers may represent an “optimistic estimate” because “company-sponsored influenza vaccines trials tend to produce results favorable to their products.” You can read more details here.

As for the magical “60?” Dr. Tom Jefferson didn’t mince words: “Sorry I have no idea where the 60% comes from – it’s either pure propaganda or bandied about by people who do not understand epidemiology. In both cases they should not be making policy as they do not know what they are talking about,” he said, insisting that I quote him.