Mark Blaxill on How Refusing to Face the Facts about our Autism Epidemic Hurts Children, Families and our Future

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Because of the deeply concerning issues with our world’s health, nutrition, and environment, our own Mark Blaxill recently spoke at The Real Truth About Health Conference. It was completely free to the public, and the videos from the conference are free too.

We encourage you to share this video with your family, friends and as many people as you can to help raise awareness and make a difference.  You can purchase Mark and Dan’s final collaborative book Denial here.

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The CDC’s bloated vaccine schedule has doubled since 1988 after the federal government gave pharmaceutical companies immunity from lawsuits. Autism and other childhood disorders like asthma, ADHD, juvenile diabetes, and digestive ailments have skyrocketed. And parents are understandably nervous, desperate for objective guidance that takes those concerns seriously. Mark Blaxill is co-founder and Executive Director of XLP Capital, a firm founded in 2015 and focused on technology strategy development, new technology business incubation, and technology-based investments. He often writes on autism, science and public policy issues for Age of Autism and has published a number of articles, letters and commentaries on autism in journals such as Public Health Reports, the International Journal of Toxicology, the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Frontiers in Pediatrics, Neurotoxicology and Medical Hypotheses.

BREAKING: NC Bar Sues Vax Rights Attorney in Classic Witch Hunt!

[Comment: The forces of darkness have a picked a fight with the wrong man. Please support Attorney Phillips!]

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The North Carolina State Bar, the agency that licenses NC attorneys, has taken the unprecedented step of filing a lawsuit against the nation’s leading vaccine rights attorney, Alan Phillips, J.D., to force Phillips to hand over years of his clients’ files or risk being jailed for civil contempt…Attorney Phillips is the nation’s leading Vaccine Rights attorney, the only attorney whose practice is focused solely on vaccine exemptions and vaccine legislative activism, and who works with clients, attorneys, legislators and activists nationally in virtually every possible U.S. exemption setting.[1] North Alan Phillips, J.D.Carolina is known as “Vaccine Central” for its award-winning vaccine companies.[2] So, it’s not surprising that the NC State Bar is going after Phillips, with what Phillips claims are invented facts and law in a series of steps that appear to have been designed from the start to disbar Phillips, for helping people legally avoid vaccines. This is not just a personal attack against Phillips, it’s an attack on the entire vaccine awareness movement, given Phillips’ unique role in helping clients nationally with exemptions and legislative activism! So, please 1) share this story far and wide, 2) sign the petition linked below, 3) donate to support Phillips’ legal defense fund, and 4) stay tuned for updates to this story! (links below)


The NC Bar’s lawsuit and underlying investigation are both unlawful for several reasons, according to Phillips. First, the Bar lacks the legally-required “allegation of misconduct.” That’s right, they are not even claiming Phillips actually did anything wrong, in which case (or should we say, “witch case”?) there is no legal basis for the investigation or lawsuit! There is also a blatant conflict of interest, Phillips points out, as he filed a good-faith complaint against State Bar attorneys for their fabrication of facts and law in a chess boardFebruary 2017 “Letter of Warning” to Phillips. NC Bar attorneys can’t lawfully investigate Phillips while Phillips has an unresolved complaint open against Bar attorneys; both matters must be addressed by outside, independent people to avoid the obvious conflicts of interest. But the NC Bar is ignoring that conflict; it is suppressing Phillips’ complaint against Bar attorneys, and aggressively pursuing Phillips.

Phillips is not alone in his claim that NC Bar attorneys have engaged in serious misconduct. His complaint against NC Bar attorneys is supported by two independent legal experts, and Phillips’ own preliminary investigation has turned up other witnesses to NC Bar officials fabricating facts, and other attorneys who claim they were disbarred based on facts invented by NC Bar attorneys. So, there appears to be a very serious problem at the NC State Bar!

And Phillips isn’t the only one who has filed a complaint against NC Bar attorneys! Several organizations around the country have also filed complaints in recent months, based on contradictions between a NC Bar letter and other information posted on the Internet. NC Bar officials are suppressing these complaints as well—again, avoiding scrutiny of their own actions. Yet, they continue to pass judgment on other NC attorneys. More than just a little ironic…

Finally, according to Phillips, the NC State Bar’s demand for years of Phillips’ clients’ files amounts to an fishingunlawful “fishing expedition.” That’s a legal term for digging around in private information or documents to see if you can find something wrong, without a legitimate basis for having access to the information in the first place. It violates Constitutional due process. And this “expedition” would be particularly egregious, as it would violate hundreds of Phillips’ clients’ privacy rights based on the most sacred of legal tenets, the attorney-client privilege.




Is GSK Unlawfully Marketing Their Vaccines to You?

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By Jefferey Jaxen

A new strategy perpetrated by pharmaceutical manufacturers is slowly permeating society’s consciousness. You may have fallen victim to it without even fully understanding how you’ve been targeted. The strategy revolves around slick product marketing rooted in fear and aimed at you. The trend is direct-to-consumer vaccine marketing. The most recent ad, in an increasing stream of vaccine commercials, involves a warning to grandparents to “understand the dangers your new grandchild faces.” Grandparents viewing the commercial may ask, what dangers? Well, according to vaccine manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), it’s the unvaccinated grandparents themselves.

Vaccines have long been pushed as a benevolent public service in a class high above the trenches of dirty marketing tactics and slick ad campaigns. Yet the truth is vaccines are for-profit products that have enjoyed liability protection by law since the late 1980s making them the backbone of pharmaceutical company profit margins. Judging by GSK’s new ad it appears that the green light has been given for Big Pharma ad departments to conjure up vaccine scare campaigns to propagandize the public with.

GSK’s recent ad is simple using the image of a grandmother’s face, juxtaposed with a wolf’s head, to symbolize the ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’ danger the grandmother has embodied because she is not vaccinated against pertussis with GSK’s vaccine.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), under its Truth In Advertising law, states the following:

When consumers see or hear an advertisement, whether it’s on the Internet, radio or television, or anywhere else, federal law says that ad must be truthful, not misleading, and, when appropriate, backed by scientific evidence…The FTC looks especially closely at advertising claims that can affect consumers’ health…

GSK’s commercial has one simple premise surmising it is better to be vaccinated than to not be vaccinated against pertussis. Yet GSK’s ad has holes in it revealing major scientific gaps that can’t be ignored.

A 2014 study done by members of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal refutes GSK’s vaccine ad claims making it appear to violate FTC’s Truth In Advertising law. The acellular pertussis (aP) vaccine, a component of the DTaP and TDaP vaccines, is the primary strain used in the US for all age groups. The 2014 study states the following:

In this study, we show nonhuman primates vaccinated with aP were protected from severe symptoms but not infection and readily transmitted Bordetella pertussis to contacts.

According to the study, not only did the aP vaccine fail to prevent infection in recipients, it turned the vaccinated into non-symptomatic transmitters of pertussis giving a possible scientific explanation for the resurgence of the illness in pockets of vaccinated populations. The science laid out in the FDA study backs one claim GSK’s ad gets right when it claims “Unfortunately many people who spread it [pertussis] don’t know they have it.” According to the 2014 study findings, the people who “don’t know they have it” may turn out to be the non-symptomatic vaccine recipients not the unvaccinated populations as GSK’s ad would lead the viewer to believe.


Money Makes the World Go Around: Merck HPV Vaccine Creates Chinese Billionaire

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Congratulations girls! You were actually BORN in China, not aborted because you weren’t a boy. And now? You get to be vaccinated with Merck’s Gardasil!  Boy, that Merck is a friendly company. First, RotaTeq made Paul Offit Rich, then Dr. Julie Gerberding, former CDC head slid over to Merck to become Executive President of the Vaccine Division, you can be certain there’s a fat salary and bonuses and now Communist Chinese citizen-businessmen are billionaires. As for the girls’ fate with this vaccine? Tough fortune, Cookie.


From Bloomberg business: HPV Vaccine Seller in China Propels Owners Up Billionaires List

China’s approval for a vaccine used to prevent cervical cancer has propelled two shareholders of the pharmaceutical company marketing the Merck & Co. product up the billionaires’ rankings.

Chongqing Zhifei Biological Products Co.’s more than 60 percent rally this year, spurred by the permission to sell Gardasil 9 in partnership with Merck, has pushed Chairman Jiang Rensheng, 64, up the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. His net worth is estimated at $4.6 billion as of Wednesday and is based on his family’s 60 percent stake, which includes that of Vice General Manager Jiang Lingfeng, his son.

Apart from vaulting the senior Jiang to become the 41st richest in China, and 415 in the world, the jump in the shares has also helped another shareholder: former Vice Chairman Wu Guanjiang. His net worth is estimated at $1.5 billion and is based on the 13.4 percent stake held by him and his wife as of Wednesday, according to regulatory filings. Zhifei didn’t respond to calls and an email seeking comment on Jiang’s and Wu’s wealth and holdings in the company.  Read more here.