Bill to Push HPV Vaccines on 6th Graders in Florida: OPPOSITION NEEDED NOW — Please Take Action!

Action Alert: STOP FL SB 1182!

FL Rep Thad Altman District 52 (Indialantic)

Please contact Rep Thad Altman and ask him not to file his house bill that would require the Department of Education to distribute certain information relating to the human papillomavirus, the availability of the HPV vaccine, and the recommendation of the CDC to complete the HPV vaccination before age 12.

The bill was filed as a courtesy by Senator Gibson but she is not promoting this bill. You can see the text of SB 1182 here which is what Rep. Thad Altman will file. Please contact Representative Altman’s office and voice your opposition. Contact information here. You can use the talking points from below and add your concerns about HPV vaccinations. You can also email Rep. Altman’s aide, James Benfanis, at

CONCERNS/TALKING POINTS regarding Rep. Altman’s proposed HPV bill that has not been filed yet:
[1] A state recommendation implies an endorsement by the state. The state should not be endorsing this highly controversial HPV vaccine which has significant side effects that include death.
[2] The discussion and decisions regarding sexually transmitted diseases and children should take place between parents and healthcare providers and the state should not be endorsing this controversial HPV vaccine. The HPV vaccine is highly controversial. Using the MedAlerts search engine, as of May 31, 2017, there were a total of 57,520 vaccine reaction reports made to the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) associated with Gardasil vaccinations, including 271 deaths. HPV infection is experienced by the majority of sexually active women and men and is naturally cleared from the body within two years by more than 90 percent of those, who become infected. Antibodies to the HPV type, which caused the infection, remain in the body to help prevent future re-infection with that same HPV type. This lasting natural immunity does not occur with the HPV vaccine.


NVIC ADVOCACY PORTAL: Take Action and Defend Your Right of Voluntary Decisions About Vaccination in Florida

Do you want the right to make voluntary decisions about vaccinations for yourself and your family? Vaccination laws are made on a state level and you can help protect
your right of choice. Just a few minutes of your time sending letters, emails or making phone calls to your state legislators can make a difference. The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) will send you email alerts when action is needed to support efforts in your state on important vaccine-related legislation. We will provide you with knowledgeable guidance and practical tools that will make it easier to connect your your legislators.

Sign up Today at

‘The Setup: How Corporate Greed Damaged Thousands of Children and Censored Andrew Wakefield’

Original here:

The 12 Days of Skyhorse Publishing, Day 11 —  ‘The Setup: How Corporate Greed Damaged Thousands of Children and Censored Andrew Wakefield’

We’d like to express our gratitude to Tony Lyons, Publisher at Skyhorse Publishing in New York City. Skyhorse is one of the fastest growing independent publishers in America and one of the few to tackle the toughest, most controversial topics in health and autism. For the next 12 days, we’ll be creating a list of books that we hope will interest you. Some will be very familiar, like those from Dan, Mark and me (Kim) and others we hope will be new sources of information and stories to help you navigate your family’s autism journey.

 Day 11: The Setup by Martin Walker

In 1988, the British government launched the Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine, even though central figures knew that the vaccine could cause brain damage, autism, and other problems.

The Setup traces the extended efforts made by drug companies, with help from the British government, to cover up their responsibility for putting a vaccine known to be damaging on the market. It details the way public relations companies, social media, legal teams, judges, and reporters all utilized covert media tactics and public statements to deceive, ultimately leading to the British General Medical Council (GMC) initiating the famous trial against Andrew Wakefield, Professor Walker-Smith, and Dr. Simon Murch. The vaccine was on the market for over four years, but the parents of the nearly 1,600 affected were not only excluded from that trial but are still awaiting their day in court. Instead, they have all had to shoulder an immense financial burden and many have become the subject of court actions over spurious charges. The trial also destroyed Wakefield’s reputation―despite the fact that within months, a high court judge declared Walker-Smith innocent on the grounds that the GMC panel, acting as jury, had misunderstood the evidence.

Any parent whose child has become sick after a vaccine will appreciate the dedication of investigator Martin J. Walker, and his exposure of a cover-up the British government and pharmaceutical companies hoped to hide forever. Available Spring 2018.



Who Does the Childhood Vaccine Injury Act Protect?

Original here:

By Deirdre Imus

The laws of a country are, generally, designed to protect its citizens. How this ideal is interpreted is a topic of debate in various circles, but its goal is lofty, if not quite perfect. Of specific necessity are laws aimed at protecting children, including child abuse, welfare, and labor laws. Of zero necessity, in my view, is the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act(NCVIA), which sounds like it has the best interests of this nation’s young citizens in mind, but actually serves a much different purpose.

Congress passed the NCVIA in 1986, and President Ronald Reagan signed it into law soon after. Taken at face value, the law has some admirable provisions: it established improved communication regarding vaccines across all Department of Health and Human Service agencies; required health care providers who administer vaccines to provide a vaccine information statement to the person getting the vaccine or his or her guardian; and established a committee from the Institute of Medicine to review the literature on vaccine reactions.

Dig a little deeper, however, and the NCVIA does less to protect patients than it does drug companies making vaccines. When Reagan signed the NCVIA, he also created the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), which allows anyone—children and adults—who have suffered an injury (or worse) following a vaccination to file a claim. To date, it has paid out nearly $4 billion in compensation since 1988, including the 2008 case of Hannah Poling, whose family received more than $1.5 million in a landmark court award for a vaccine-autism claim.

Lifting liability

While this might sound like a good thing, one must read between the lines. The NCVIA also sets limits on the liability of vaccine manufacturers. They don’t have to pay a dime, in most cases, if someone is injured as a result of a product they make. Is there any other industry afforded such immunity? The pharmaceutical industry makes billions of dollars annually producing, promoting, and injecting a product that is known to injure people in myriad ways, and bears zero responsibility when a child—or an adult—suffers as a result.

The system is broken, and it’s why the founders of the nonprofit National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), which worked with Congress in the 1980s to get the NCVIA passed, began calling in 2015 for its repeal. In a press release, NVIC co-founder Barbara Loe Fisher noted that the federal vaccine injury compensation program has become “a drug company stockholder’s dream and a parent’s worst nightmare.” In the same document, co-founder Kathi Williams argues that the provisions that their organization helped secure in the law are not being enforced, and most children getting government-recommended vaccines are denied vaccine injury compensation.

“That zero liability rests on the vaccine manufacturers is a travesty of epic proportions.”

I echo their calls for repeal. Children are given between 53 and 56 vaccine doses containing 177 to 232 antigens between birth and age 18. Vaccine reactions range from a mild fever, muscle/joint pain, and injection site swelling to seizures, trouble breathing, vomiting, and permanent brain damage. Though considered “rare” by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, these more serious effects admittedly occur, and people suffer. That zero liability rests on the vaccine manufacturers is a travesty of epic proportions.


Pro-vaccine aluminum researcher changes his mind about link to autism and other pathologies


Did British scientists just solve the autism puzzle?


Pro-vaccine aluminum researcher changes his mind about link to autism and other pathologies. Don’t look away.


J.B. Handley
December 6 at 11:32am ·
The most important video I have ever shared! Period.

Hear Professor Exley, this week, in his own words, discussing the new study “Aluminium in brain tissue in autism.” Pay attention to the DETAILS: It’s not just the AMOUNT of the Aluminum that matters here (although its exceptionally high), it’s the LOCATION of the Aluminum within the brain. Here’s how he explains it:

“Now, because I have seen the same cells that we will see at an injection site carrying a cargo of aluminum into the brain tissue of individuals who died with autism I would now say that we have to think very carefully about who receives a vaccine that includes an aluminum adjuvant. We need to think carefully, is this vaccine a life-saving vaccine or not? If it isn’t, don’t have it with an aluminum adjuvant.”

Do you understand what he just said? He just said the aluminum from the injection site is carried, like “cargo,” into the brain!! It changed his own mind about the role of aluminum in autism! He says:

“I did not see a role for aluminum in autism. And I didn’t see a role for aluminum in vaccines in autism. I have to change my mind now on both of these. I have to change my mind that aluminum has a role in autism, I believe it now does.”

Here’s more detail:

“Perhaps equally important if not more important were the microscopy studies. The microscopy studies enable us to identify where the aluminum was in the brain tissue. When we looked at our brains of people with a diagnosis of autism, we found something completely different and something we’ve never seen before as yet in any other set of human brains. We found that the majority of aluminum was actually inside cells, intracellular. Some of it was inside neurons, but actually the majority of it was inside non-neuronal cell populations. So we found that these cells were heavily loaded with aluminum. We also saw evidence that cells in the lymph and in the blood were passing into the brain, so they were carrying with them a cargo of aluminum from the body into the brain. This is the first time in any human brain tissue we have seen this so this is a standout and as yet unique observation in autism. For myself, it very much implicates aluminum in the etiology of autism. That doesn’t mean aluminum causes it, but it’s almost certainly playing a role in the disease.”

Are the deniers in your life still trying to minimize the importance of this study? If they don’t understand how important the LOCATION (which cells it’s in, where it is) of the aluminum in the brain is to the findings, they don’t understand the issue. By the way, this is EXACTLY what Vaccine Papers has been saying! Here’s a simple brochure that explains this transport mechanism in a very clear way:

Click to access Autism-brochure-Color-8.5×11.pdf

Here’s Professor Exley’s study:

Here’s an article I wrote about the study:

This is–without peer–the most important science done to date that ties so much other science together. Read my article from back in February, watch this video, and your mind will be blown. Truth is staring us all in the face!! The leading expert in the world on the neurotoxicology of aluminum just said we need to rethink using it in vaccines!! Are you awake??? Here’s my article from back in February: